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Tennessee Craft



Tennessee Craft Week

Tennessee Craft Week

October 2025

Tennessee Craft Week celebrates the vital role of craft in our state during the first week of each October. With events featuring traditional to contemporary craft art and craft-making in all regions of the Volunteer State, Tennessee Craft Week invites everyone to enjoy the unique richness of Tennessee’s craftscape!

Celebrate Tennessee Craft Week–check out these great events:



Hosting a Tennessee Craft Week event? Submit it to us, we’ll add it to the calendar.


Fifth Annual Tennessee Craft Week Instagram Contest

The Annual Tennessee Craft Week Instagram Contest will open in August.

This contest is open to all craft artists in the state of Tennessee. Winning photos will credit the artist (and photographer, if noted). Photos will be shared via Tennessee Craft social media platforms to generate excitement and public interest in Tennessee Craft Week (TCW), held October 2025.

Artists are invited to take a photo of their craft in a setting that reflects the diversity of Tennessee’s distinctive regions while bringing an additional focus of artisan work made in Tennessee.

Winning photos will be announced to the public on September 2025. More details on prizes will be coming soon.

Rules for Participation
1. Artists must like @TennesseeCraft andon Instagram and include #TNCraftWeek and #TennesseeCraft with submitted photos.
2. All entries with the correct hashtag and “likes” posted to Instagram from August 1 to August 31, 2025, will be eligible for the contest.
3. Photographs should have a clear focus, good color, and thoughtful composition in a 1:1 ratio.
4. The focus of the photo should be the artwork. Only original photographs are accepted.
5. Previously submitted photos to this contest are not eligible.
6. By participating in the contest, artists/photographers agree to the use of their photos to promote Tennessee Craft Week.

Photo: 2022 TCW Instagram Contest Winner, Gerry Burklow, Monterey, TN


2023 Tennessee Craft Week Submit your event/item for the 2023 Tennessee Craft Week.

Event/Item Information

Event Title
Event Listing Description (1 sentence)
Event Full Description (3-5 sentences)
Enter event links below as full URLs (ex: http://domain.com, http://facebook.com/eventpagename)
Event Website / Link
Event Facebook
Event Instagram
Event Twitter
Event YouTube

Event/Item Schedule

Event Start Date
Event End Date
Event Start Time
Event End Time
Event Time Varies?
Times vary, see description for details.
Event Time / Hours Details

Event/Item Venue & Location

Event Venue
Venue / Location Description
Street Address
Event Region

Event/Item Images

Please upload up to 3 photos or graphics that can be used to publicize your event.
Acceptable images will be high resolution JPEGs at 300 dpi and at 5 x 7 inches in size.
Larger images will not upload.
Event Image 1
Event Image 2
Event Image 3

Your Contact Information

If Tennessee Craft has questions or needs to reach you, how do we reach you?
Event Contact Name
Contact Email Address
Contact Phone Number
Please provide a mailing address for Tennessee Craft to send you any relevant media and materials for 2023 Tennessee Craft Week (Optional)
Contact Mailing Address
Same as event address? (above)
Contact Mailing Street
Contact Mailing City
Contact Mailing State
Contact Mailing Zipcode
Email Sign-Up
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Previous Tennessee Craft Weeks

You can find details about previous years’ Tennessee Craft Week events by visiting the links below.
2022 Tennessee Craft Week | Craft Week MapEvents List
2021 Tennessee Craft Week | Instagram Contest Winners
2020 Tennessee Craft Week | Craft Week MapEvents List
2019 Tennessee Craft Week | Craft Week MapEvents List
2018 Tennessee Craft Week | Craft Week MapEvents List
2017 Tennessee Craft Week | Craft Week MapEvents List

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