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Scholarship FAQs

Scholarship FAQs

Tennessee Craft Scholarships

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the arrow by each question for more information.

Who can apply for a scholarship from Tennessee Craft?

Only members of Tennessee Craft in good standing may receive a scholarship. Scholarship eligibility varies by program. Some scholarships require that you were a member in the calendar year prior; for some, you may join right before applying; and some allow you to use a portion of the scholarship for your membership dues. Please check the application details for more information on membership requirements.

Applicants should be individuals seeking to improve their own craft art practice by pursuing new educational opportunities. Recipients must be 18 years of age and residents of Tennessee or living in Tennessee while enrolled in a degree-granting program. Recipients must be eligible to receive income in the United States.

How can recipients use their scholarships?

Tennessee Craft scholarships shall be used to provide educational resources to award recipients. Recipients may use funding to enroll in workshops or courses that directly teach craft skills and techniques or in educational programs that provide professional development to further the recipient’s craft art business. Recipients should not use scholarships to teach classes or workshops themselves.

Recipients may use scholarship funds for direct educational expenses such as tuition and enrollment fees and materials, or for related, essential expenses such as travel and lodging to attend workshops. The recipient must use the scholarship for the purposes stated in their application. If the opportunity for which funding was requested changes or is no longer accessible, the recipient must request to change the scholarship’s use in writing to scholarship[AT]tennesseecraft[DOT]org. Changes of purpose are not guaranteed, and the new course of study must meet the eligibility requirements of the scholarship.

How do I apply for a scholarship?

Scholarship programs are detailed with information on eligibility and deadlines at https://tennesseecraft.org/scholarships. Online application links are available for all open applications via this website. Full eligibility guidelines are available within each application.

Applicants should complete all required fields. Open-ended questions should be detailed enough to sufficiently answer the question without the reviewers needing to contact the applicant or do research for further information. The open-ended response questions are the most critical part of the application in the decision to award funding. Applications must be submitted by the deadline on the application, if there is a deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.

What happens after I submit my application?

Tennessee Craft’s Professional Development Committee meets approximately once a month to review applications. Applicants may indicate a date needed for a decision on applications, but they should plan in advance to request a scholarship at least a month before their enrollment deadline.

After the Committee meets and makes determinations on whether to award scholarships, Tennessee Craft staff will send all applicants email notifications. Applicants may check on the status of an application by emailing scholarship[AT]tennesseecraft[DOT]org.

How are recipients selected for awards (or, what should I include in a successful application?)

Successful applicants will first and foremost meet the eligibility requirements of the particular scholarship program, including membership status, residency, and time elapsed since last award, if they were a previous recipient.

Successful applications will clearly indicate–in detail–how the scholarship will further the applicant’s craft art practice. The applicant’s current craft artwork should be described, as well as the benefits of taking the course for which funding is requested. For example, stating that you are a weaver and want to take a weaving class is an insufficient response. Stating that you are proficient in basic loom weaving and wish to study with a master overshot weaver to learn this traditional method of design to deepen your body of work would be a stronger answer that reveals how your craft art practice will expand through this workshop. Stating that the master overshot weaver rarely teaches courses or will be visiting the region and that this would be a rare opportunity for you to learn from this person would be even more compelling, because it provides a stronger rationale for enrollment.

Scholarship applications also inquire about financial needs. Because Tennessee Craft’s scholarship funds for members are limited, we ask applicants to explain why community funds should be used to pay for the recipient’s course of study. You do not have to share your private financial details, but the committee is more likely to award a scholarship if such funding will allow a recipient to take a course they could not otherwise afford.

Finally, as a community resource, the committee always looks favorably upon applications that detail how the skills or knowledge acquired may extend beyond the scholarship recipient. Craft art educators are encouraged to apply for courses of study to build skills that they will share in their communities or places of employment. While not required, such plans increase the overall value of scholarship awards.

What happens after I receive a scholarship award?

After you receive an email confirmation of your scholarship award, Tennessee Craft staff will send you an advanced payment for the awarded amount of your scholarship, or in the case of Summer Study Scholarships, will request your complimentary registration at the appropriate craft school. If you receive an advanced payment, you must use it for the course of study requested in your application (see “How can recipients use their scholarships?”) You must save receipts to document how you used the advanced funds and submit them to Tennessee Craft after your workshop.

For all scholarships, you must share a report in the format detailed in your scholarship application, including images from the workshop and a short written essay (approximately three paragraphs) about your experience. You will also be asked to give an informal presentation at your regional chapter meeting after your workshop; your chapter leaders will assist you with scheduling this short discussion.

If you are unable to complete the course of study detailed in your application, you may request that funds be used for a different opportunity that would also further your craft practice (see “How can recipients use their scholarships?”) You may also refund the monies received to Tennessee Craft or withdraw from a Summer Study program. In these cases, you may be eligible to apply for a scholarship again in the future without a waiting period. Please email Tennessee Craft staff at scholarship[AT]tennesseecraft[DOT]org if you think you will be unable to complete the course of study for which funding was received.

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